MNWS Spring Workshop Andy Evansen
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Andy's Studio
121 Tyler Street, Suite 110C Hastings, MN 55033
$350 for Members, $425 for Non-members
Cancellation: $25 up to April 7th, no refund will be issued after April 7th
Registration is now open - Click HERE
There seems to be a never-ending quest to loosen up in watercolor and it’s probably the most common goal of students. It’s easy to fall into the trap of putting too much into your paintings, and editing out the non-essential whether working from photo reference or painting on location is vital. Painting loosely doesn’t just happen; it comes from gaining a comfort level with your skills and materials over time. However, there are techniques that can speed up this process.
My workshop will focus on using value studies from the outset to identify the large shapes in a scene. These large shapes provide the artist with opportunities for lost edges when painting in watercolor, which is essential if we are to take full advantage of the medium. Too often the found edges, or details, take over the painters thinking process, and the result is a tight watercolor. We will move on toward color paintings using value studies as our guide, and complete color painting lessons together. Demonstration paintings will be done by Andy to reinforce the lessons. In order to loosen up it is imperative to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish with your painting and then execute it quickly. This class will give you the tools and confidence to do just that.
Bio: “My interest in art started at a young age, and I spent a great deal of my time drawing. When I began watercolor painting in my 20s, I was inspired mostly by the British artists Edward Seago, Ed Wesson and Trevor Chamberlain. Their ability to capture the landscape with such an economy of brushstroke is remarkable, taking advantage of the luminosity of watercolors done in just a few washes. In addition, I was impressed with the way those artists seemed to capture everyday scenes in such a way that revealed a hidden beauty, subjects that many would simply pass by. I now find myself trying to emulate that in my watercolors of the Midwest.”
Andy has been featured in many publications and has become a sought-after workshop instructor who paints and teaches internationally. He became a signature member of the prestigious Plein Air Painters of America (PAPA) in 2012 and served as their President from 2015-2017. His paintings have won numerous awards, including the Bronze and High Winds Medals from the American Watercolor Society. His love of painting on location also led to him being a featured presenter at the 2014 and 2016 Plein Air Conventions and inclusion in the 2017 Qingdao International Masters Watercolor Plein Air Event. In 2022 he was voted into the Pure Watercolour Society of England as an International Member.
You can view his work at www.EvansenArtStudio.com.
Is there an artist you would love to take workshop with or a topic of focus you’re looking for? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Send ideas and recommendations to workshops@minnesotawatercolors.com
Jill Condon and Denise Finnestad, Workshop Co-Chairs