7: 00 pm to 8:00 pm
Georgia Kandiko is familiar with entering her work in exhibits. Each show has a list of rules for entry (a prospectus) that tells what kinds of work are being accepted, how they must be displayed for this show, dates and other kinds of details. Artists who are considering entering shows may be daunted-or even unaware-of the importance of following the rules for each show. Yet without a professional presentation of work and following the show rules, the work may be eliminated and not even considered for display.
As part of the MNWS mission of professional development of artists, Georgia Kandiko will show members the steps she takes to prepare her work for professional presentation. Georgia Kandiko is an award winning artist and instructor. She has attained Signature Status with the Minnesota Watercolor Society (MNWS), the Red River Watercolor Society (RRWS ), NorthStar WaterMedia Society, as well as Watercolor West. She is also a juried member of the Transparent Watercolor Society of America, and frequently displays her work in their annual juried shows. Her work is accepted into numerous national and international juried shows. She is an award-winning member of Artists of Minnesota and an exhibiting member of several national watercolor societies. Her work is sold through art galleries and displayed extensively in public gallery shows. Georgia’s work is featured in both public and private collections. She is the author of a children’s book, The Magical Mystery Treasure Hunt, based on an installation of her mosaic work acquired by the City of St. Louis Park for their permanent collection.
Georgia is a popular teacher and workshop instructor. During the pandemic, she is teaching on-line. Her classes fill rapidly, and are broadcast by email. To become a member of her broadcast email list, please contact her through her website, KandikoandKandiko.com. Georgia’s latest works, workshops, and news are available through her website, as well as www.facebook.com/WatercolorsByGeorgiaKandiko/.