MNWS sponsors two member exhibitions each year.  For the spring exhibition, members are invited to submit up to two pieces for consideration, and the juror curates the show based on the members’ digital submissions.  The fall exhibition is open to all submissions up to a limit that varies based on the show location, so members are invited to submit one piece for the show.


For both exhibitions, the juror selects award winners in person once the artworks are on display.  Jurors are different for every show, and are not members of MNWS, so their criteria is as unique as they are!

  • Best of Show
  • Emerich/Stordahl Founder’s Award reserved for a floral artwork
  • First, Second, and Third Honors
  • Honorable Mention
  • Award of Merit
  • People’s Choice

Potential Jurors

Being a juror for MNWS is a lot of fun, and is a great way to make new connections in the Minnesota artists community!  If you would like to be considered to be a juror for a MNWS member exhibition, please contact our exhibition chairs.  The commitment is as follows:

  1. View images of entries online; select accepted artworks; communicate choices to applicable exhibition chair via email spring exhibition only
  2. View show in person; assign awards; communicate choices to applicable exhibition chair via email
  3. Attend opening reception; present awards; discuss artworks

Please note that we do not require our juror to be a watercolorist–in the past we’ve had a variety of artists as jurors, from sculptors to collage artists to oil painters. As a thank you for their contributions, MNWS pays each juror a small gratuity.

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