Minnetonka Center for the Arts
2240 North Shore Drive, Wayzata, MN 55391
This workshop “Realism Through Design” will include demonstrations, critiques and lots of individual help. Artists are encouraged to expand on their current levels of understanding and become more comfortable applying the principles and elements of design to their work. John is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society – Dolphin Fellowship, the National Watercolor Society, and the Transparent Watercolor Society of America – Distinguished Master. He has served on the board of the TWSA and is a current board member of the American Watercolor Society. He is the first American to be awarded membership in the Australian Watercolour Institute.
Workshop admittance will be by separate lotteries for MNWS and Minnetonka Center for the Arts members. Half the slots will be for MNWS and half for Minnetonka. You must be a member of one organization at the time you apply. People who are members of both MNWS and Minnetonka Center for the Arts must choose one lottery.
Applications should be received prior to January 26, 2018. To register for the lottery, call the Minnetonka Center for the Arts at 952-473-7361 ext. 160, and ask for Anika or Janet. Once you have registered for the lottery please email your name, mailing address, and phone number to Kathy at kathy.schur@inbox.com
The full $650 workshop fee is due only if your name is picked at the lottery. Withdrawal after acceptance incurs fees: Before Feb 9, $100; Feb 10 to March 1, $325; after March 1, $650.
Questions: Contact Kathy Schur, MNWS Workshop Chair, at 651-455-0285.