
7: 00 pm to 8:00 pm

Zoom Meeting

Strategies for Entering Art Events

Bob’s suggested questions to consider during his presentation:

What is a juried show? A contest? A seal of approval? A resume item? A tool for artistic development?

What does it mean to be selected or not selected?

-        The importance of a sense of humor (the ‘first impression’ score)

-        Understanding what the jurors have been asked to do; making a show; the role of context

-        Seeing beyond rejection; the jurors have been asked to put together a show; they’re not really there to say “no!” they’re there to say “yes!”

-        The show reveals itself (novelists like to say “I didn’t know the character was going to do that…”)

-        Inevitably, the jurors reveal themselves, too…

What to enter?

-        Unified or diverse entries?

-        Big category or small?

-        Unique entries; non-fungibility

-        Showpieces

-        New or unusual pieces

September Virtual Demo – Bob Bowman – Strategies for Entering Art Events