FIRST PLACE. “View of the Lake” by Janice Vaughan
The Highest Power
EMRICH-STORDAHL FOUNDERS AWARD. “The Highest Power” by Karen Knutson
Scarlett by the Fountain
AWARD OF MERIT. “Scarlett by the Fountain” by Judith Meyeraan
Poppies and Columbine
HONORABLE MENTION. “Peonies and Columbine” by Wendy Westlake
BEST OF SHOW. “Orvieto” by David Smith.
Minnesota Ice
AWARD OF MERIT. “Minnesota Ice” by Marilyn Jacobsen.
Luminous Lillies
SECOND PLACE. “Luminous Lillies” by Julie Allen.
January Sunset
HONORABLE MENTION. “January Sunset” by Daniel Mondloch
In Sercret Splendor
THIRD PLACE. “In Secret Splendor” bu Gail Vass.
His Curls
AWARD OF MERIT. “His Curls” by Tara Sweeney.