Juror: Megan Rye BEST OF SHOW. “White Peonies” by Kathy MillerEMERICH STORDAHL AWARD. “And They’re Off” Julie AllenFIRST PLACE. “A Sunlit Tree” by Claudia TrepanierSECOND PLACE. “Up Close” byDavid SmithTHIRD PLACE. “Happy Rooster” by Richard GravesAWARD OF MERIT. “Thread and Bobbins” by Wendy WestlakeAWARD OF MERIT. “I’ve Got Your Back” by Judy LieberAWARD OF MERIT. “I Double Dog Dare You” by MarySue KreugerHONORABLE MENTION. “Blowing in the Wind” by Theresa WesemanHONORABLE MENTION. “Little Man and Dancing Shadow” by Jeanne BourquinHONORABLE MENTION. “Uncle Jerry’s Ford Before the Auction” by Daniel GreenHONORABLE MENTION. “Living Room” by Emmy WhiteHONORABLE MENTION. “Amaryllis” by Jean AllenHONORABLE MENTION. “Natural Forces” by Peter Herzog