Juror: Michelle Ranta BEST OF SHOW. “Vajra Vision” by Kristine FretheimEMERICH STORDAHL AWARD. “Fountain D’Light” by Gail VassFIRST PLACE. “Heavenly Scent” by Julie AllenSECOND PLACE. “Fly Away Farm Sheep” by Georgia KandikoTHIRD PLACE. “Along Spring Creek Road” by Kathy MillerAWARD OF MERIT. “Princess Grace’s Cactus Garden” by Phyllis Winther AWARD OF MERIT. “Lake Superior Blues” by Catherine HeardingAWARD OF MERIT. “Lobster and Baked Potato” by Beverly WoodHONORABLE MENTION. “Survivor II” by Judith Hallbeck MeyeraanHONORABLE MENTION. “Grandma’s Cottage” by Roy LindaasHONORABLE MENTION. “The Alley and Beyond! Spring” by Judy LieberHONORABLE MENTION. “Pear Illumination” by Steve LackoreHONORABLE MENTION. “Forest” by Dick GreenHONORABLE MENTION. “Free at Last” by Diane Posselt MonroePEOPLE’S CHOICE. “Dave’s Farm” by Jerry Ritter